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Startup Chats: Sponsor Energy


Startup Chats: Sponsor Energy

It's not everyday that you see a new Energy Provider hit the scene, with big names like Enmax, Direct Energy, it is a hard market to break into.  Carolyn Martin, CEO of Sponsor Energy, a Calgary Startup, is using their power for good! 


Please share your experiences as an Alberta startup company!


Please share your experiences as an Alberta startup company!

The JR Shaw School of Business at NAIT is conducting an in-depth study investigating the state of entrepreneurship in the province of Alberta, particularly in terms of the accessibility to capital financing for startups. For more information about the study, please go here

Alberta Innovation and Advanced Education (IAE) has sponsored the study and is looking to improve policy and program development and administration with respect to supporting Alberta entrepreneurs, so your input is very important.

The link to the survey is:


5 Common Startup Mistakes


5 Common Startup Mistakes

We had Jacques Lapointe of AVAC discuss how to avoid "re-running" the same mistakes that commonly plague startups in Alberta for March's 1 hr Lunch & Learn (slides & audio included).
