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Fav 5

Startup Chats: Sponsor Energy


Startup Chats: Sponsor Energy

It's not everyday that you see a new Energy Provider hit the scene, with big names like Enmax, Direct Energy, it is a hard market to break into.  Carolyn Martin, CEO of Sponsor Energy, a Calgary Startup, is using their power for good! 


Fav 5 - Holiday Rejects


Fav 5 - Holiday Rejects

Chris Cheng of Calgary's Holiday Rejects shares his Fav 5 best or secret tools / resources for success as an entrepreneur (anything from books to resources to tips to workshops to hardware/software etc).


Fav 5 - Print to Peer


Fav 5 - Print to Peer

Tom Bielecki of Calgary's Print To Peer, 3D Printing shares his Fav 5 best or secret tools / resources for success as an entrepreneur (anything from books to resources to tips to workshops to hardware/software etc).
