A week doesn't go by where an entrepreneur asks me out for coffee and then says...
"I have a really great idea, can you put me in touch with some Investors?"
I take a deep breath and then ask a series of questions:
- Do you have a business plan or lean canvas model?
- Have you done customer validation?
- Do you have a MVP? (Minimum Viable Product)
- Do you have a financial forecast?
- Do you have customers?
So here is your chance to sit down and speak directly with a VA Angel. This isn't to pitch to your idea. NO, it's to ask questions about the process, what they look for in deals or anything angel investment related.
This will be open to 10 serious entrepreneurs and each person will have the opportunity to ask a question.
Any entrepreneur that attends the roundtable, has the opportunity to attend VA Angels Basecamp, Oct 18-20, for only $300 (that's 50% off and applies to new signups only).
You must apply and fill out the form below to attend the VA Angels Roundtable.
October 16, 10 - 11 am at AcceleratorYYC, boardroom.