What are Open Government and Open Data?
They are movements that are bringing about a massively disruptive cultural change by taking advantage of 21st century technology and creating a more transparent, accountable, and engaging relationship between people and their government.
This is a great opportunity to learn about Open Government / Open Data and to participate in discussions on the current state of these movements in Calgary. The Open Government Tour (#OGT14) has been taking place across Canada and Data for Good is very pleased to be hosting the Calgary event on Sept 2nd.
The Calgary Event: Since Open Government & Open Data are all about doing things differently, this event won’t just be 2.5 hours of people talking to PowerPoints. Instead, the event style will be more "conversational" in nature involving not only the guests, but also the audience engaging in discussions about our society & technology. Guests will be from the government, technology, industry, and non-profit sectors.
6:30 – 7:00 Welcome, Introductions & Background on Open Gov / Open Data
7:00 – 8:00 Discussion on Open Government - Culture & Community Engagement
8:00 – 8:10 Break
8:10 – 9:00 Discussion on Open Data - Technology, Innovation & Execution
9:00 – 9:30 Wrap-up and Social Time